Raw Food Star Fugitive Sarma Melngailis Pleads Guilty to Fraud and Theft Eater NY New Yorku002639;s Pure Food restaurateur Sarma Melngailis stole $2m off investors Daily Mail Online SARMA MELNGAILIS u2018Vegan Bernie Madoffu2019 gets anxious in court u2018Vegan Bernie Madoffu2019 gets anxious in court. New Yorku002639;s Pure Food restaurateur Sarma Melngailis stole $2m off investors Daily Mail Online Raw Food Star Fugitive Sarma Melngailis Pleads Guilty to Fraud and Theft Eater NY SARMA MELNGAILIS u2018Vegan Bernie Madoffu2019 gets anxious in court u2018Vegan Bernie Madoffu2019 gets anxious in court. u2018Vegan Bernie Madoffu2019 gets anxious in court New Yorku002639;s Pure Food restaurateur Sarma Melngailis stole $2m off investors Daily Mail Online SARMA MELNGAILIS Raw Food Star Fugitive Sarma Melngailis Pleads Guilty to Fraud and Theft Eater NY u2018Vegan Bernie Madoffu2019 gets anxious in court. Raw Food Star Fugitive Sarma Melngailis Pleads Guilty to Fraud and Theft Eater NY New Yorku002639;s Pure Food restaurateur Sarma Melngailis stole $2m off investors Daily Mail Online SARMA MELNGAILIS u2018Vegan Bernie Madoffu2019 gets anxious in court u2018Vegan Bernie Madoffu2019 gets anxious in courtu2018Vegan Bernie Madoffu2019 gets anxious in court u2018Vegan Bernie Madoffu2019 gets anxious in court New Yorku002639;s Pure Food restaurateur Sarma Melngailis stole $2m off investors Daily Mail Online. SARMA MELNGAILIS New Yorku002639;s Pure Food restaurateur Sarma Melngailis stole $2m off investors Daily Mail Online SARMA MELNGAILIS.